National Insurance Industry Workshop

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The national insurance industry is currently experiencing very serious problems after the occurrence of many cases of default on claims to the insured and consumers ranging from those categorized as systemic to non-systemic ones such as negligence or mismanagement which many insurance companies also experience in paying claims. . These problems of default on insurance claims will over time erode trust, which in turn can accumulate into a crisis of confidence in the national insurance industry.

In most cases that occur in insurance, there are many factors that cause it, but what needs to be a common concern at this time is the weak implementation of Risk Governance and Compliance (GRC).

To increase trust (trust) in the national insurance industry again, through a survey of all insurance actors while consolidating the insurance industry after the emergence of insurance cases. So the Indonesian Insurance Council in collaboration with the Indonesian Insurance Education Institute (LPAI) and the College of Risk Management and Insurance (STIMRA) held a National Insurance Industry Workshop with the theme “Quo Vadis National Insurance Industry Post Insurance Cases & Insurance Industry Reform”.

The activity was held on Thursday 27 February 2020 at Ballroom 1, JS Luwansa Hotel And Convention Center 1st Floor, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-22 – South Jakarta. With the form of discussion which is divided into 2 sessions, namely:

  • Session 1: Reform of the Insurance Industry and Readiness of Insurance Players.
    With speakers Mr. Ahmad Nasrullah (OJK) and panelists Mr. Dadang Sukresna (DAI / AAUI), Mr. Budi Tampubolon (AAJI), Mr. A. Sya’roni (AASI) and Mr. Yulius Bhayangkara (APPARINDO) and Moderator Mr. Dody AS Dalimunthe (DAI ).
  • Session 2: Implementation of Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) in the Insurance Industry.
    With speakers Mr. Mas Achmad Daniri (KNKG) and panelists Mr. Hotbonar Sinaga (STIMRA), Mr. Asep Iskandar (OJK) and Mr. Lando Simatupang (LPPI) and Moderator Mr. Yasril Y. Rasyid (LPAI)

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