Zoominar Prepares Insurance HR Competencies in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0

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Hello #SahabatAsuransi!

To realize the Human Resources (HR) of the Financial Services Sector (SJK) that are professional, with integrity and globally competitive, the Indonesian Insurance Council (DAI) through the Education and Development Commission plans to conduct a zoominar with the theme Preparing Insurance HR Competencies in Facing the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 to the board of directors or 1 level below the board of directors in charge of business development, product development, actuarial, strategic planning and HR, which will be carried out on:

Friday, October 29, 2021
13:30 – 16:00 WIB

Keynote Speakers:
• Tatang Nurhidayat (Chairman of the Indonesian Insurance Council)

Source person:
• Victor Roy (APARI Subject Matter Expert)
• Handayani (Chairman of the PAI Curriculum and Examination Commission)
• Teguh Aria Djana (CEO of PT. Asuransi Simas Insurtech)

• Abitani Taim (DAI Education and Development Commission)

Registration Link:

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