Being a challenge for the insurance industry is not only to socialize insurance, but also to enter into the education syllabus where insurance is also an important sector in the nation’s economy. Therefore IGTC also continues to carry out activities that are sustainable and become a national program so that all elements take part and are always supported by the government as an industrial regulator to build a more advanced Indonesian society. Activities that are motivated by a commitment to continue to socialize insurance and develop it in the world of education, encourage IGTC to start touching students to become professionals with the various knowledge they get.
After successfully implementing the insurance education and socialization program through the Insurance Goes To Campus (IGTC) program from 2007 to the present, in the 2019/2020 period IGTC again implemented the program, namely the Public Lecture / Insurance Seminar on 16 October 2019 ago at the Faculty Science and Mathematics of Diponegoro University (UNDIP). With the theme “The Role of the Life Insurance Industry on Economic Growth, Especially in Supporting the Growth of the Middle Economy”, this activity was attended by 238 participants.
This activity was opened by Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si, M.Si as Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, which was then followed by remarks from Mrs. Tias Retnani as Deputy Director of Supervision of LJK 3 and OJK Licensing and Mr. Imran Subhi as Chair of the Indonesian General Insurance Association (AAUI) Branch Semarang which represents DAI.
For the first speaker was Mrs. Sukawati Lubis, Ir, MBA, AAAIJ, AIIS, CCP, AMRP, QIP as EVP – LSC, HCM, GA & Procurement PT Asuransi Jiwa BCA who brought the topic Introduction to Insurance and Risk Management, and for the second speaker was delivered by Mr. Budi Ramdani, FSAI, AAAIJ, Ssi as the Appointed Actuarial of PT Asuransi Jiwa BCA with the topic of discussing the Role of the Life Insurance Industry on Economic Growth, especially in Supporting the Growth of the Middle Economic Group.